
A love of Scotland led Caroline to move to Dumfries & Galloway in January 2018. Pressed by her oldest friend, herself a Scot, for over 40 years to visit the country it wasn't until 2009 that Caroline finally made her first trip to the North. Travelling, from what had been home for over 30 years in the far West of Cornwall, it was love at first sight!
There followed two or three visits a year, car loaded with sketch books, paints, husband and dog. The dramatic and varied landscape became her material. Texture, light and dark, colour, movement and space became key elements in her painting. By moving away from observed topography and prefering to work from memory with only glancing references to her sketch books Caroline hopes to capture the essence and heartbeat of a place.
Settling in Twynholm, near Kirkcudbright, (the Artists Town) an often overlooked part of Scotland, the wider area seems to incorporate every element the country can offer in a much smaller space. There is the sea and mountains, forest and lochs, glorious rolling countryside and an abundance of wildlife. In short, there is an endless source of subject.
Originally from Jersey in the Channel Islands, then going to Art School in England Caroline is delighted to have eventually landed in Scotland.